Investment Background Checks from CFMInvestment Due Diligence Research

Check Fund Manager Due Diligence Research

Providing critical information to help you evaluate
Alternative Investment Managers and protect your capital

Avoid Investment Fraud

Check Fund Manager has been warning its clients for years about potential Private Equity or Hedge Fund blow-ups long before they occur. We have also alerted our clients in regard to many others that are not published in the news, or have yet to be exposed. Emerging asset classses including cryptocurrency digital asset investing by institutional investors has resulted in an increased demand for the application of our pre-investment investigative due diligence services.

17% of Investigations Reveal Detrimental Information

Our historical diligence research shows the incidence of a court case or some other exception in 17% of the cases, ranging from civil suits and credentials misrepresentation to regulatory sanctions and criminal activity.

Check Fund Manager's In-depth Research Identifies Risk Factors

Our goal is to identify the private equity and hedge fund managers who could expose your capital to undue risk. Over the years, we have helped to protect the capital base of hundreds of institutional investors that incorporate alternative investments into their portfolios.

Check Fund Manager's experienced Investigative Researchers perform intensive due diligence research utilizing multiple proprietary data sources and network of contacts. Once the individual has been properly identified, they continue the due diligence research process by:

  • Examining regulatory records and civil and criminal proceedings:
  • Identifying lawsuits ranging from simple breach of contract disputes to major Federal RICO and Securities Exchange Act of 1934 violations:
  • Verifying educational degrees, company affiliations, and professional financial societies;
  • Locating liens and judgments;
  • Determining real estate asset valuations; and
  • Researching financial media and Internet publications for salient biographical facts.

Free WatchList

All managers for which you request a report are automatically added to the Check Fund Manager "WatchList" notification system. Each time the manager is researched for another client, you will be notified of any new adverse findings.

International Research

Check Fund Manager offers extensive international due diligence coverage. Please reference our International Services page, which describes our program's advantages in greater detail. For specifics regarding our capabilities in each country, please view our International Coverage Map.

Media Research

Our Comprehensive Research include significant research of media to reveal articles concerning adverse information, the subject's employment and directorships, and also to highlight relevant items of interest.

Interpreting Red Flags and other Report Information

Our documentation methodology highlights what we consider to be red (detrimental), yellow (interesting) or green (non-detrimental) flags.

We recommend that you consider the following questions as you evaluate the information:

Who do you represent, and what are their interests? A public institution may have a far different tolerance for infractions and headline risk than a private investment client.

What is the charge, and how does it relate to the business the fund is involved with? Is it recent? Does it make you question the integrity of the individual or the firm? Or is it a minor charge from the distant past?

Are there multiple "exceptions" listed in the report? A single charge may not seem significant, but multiple charges could reveal a pattern of undesirable behavior and therefore greater headline and/or capital risk.

Find out more about Check Fund Manager

Contact Check Fund Manager today to learn how you can start requesting our research right away.

Unlike other firms, Check Fund Manager performs pre investment due diligence checks exclusively for the alternative investment industry. One of our experienced investigators will handle your report from start to finish, which produces a more effective result than someone researched by many departments and then compiled by an editor.

It is very likely that we have already researched several of your key managers. We invite you to contact us to gain more insight into their past.

Learn More about
Check Fund Manager's
Investor Diligence

Contact us to obtain a temporary access code enabling you to query our existing of Quick Access™ Research.

You will gain access to privileged information with regards to our Fund Manager Diligence Research, WatchList updates, Ongoing Monitoring service, SEC FOIA research, and more...

Case Studies

Case Studies of controversial findings.

Client Testimonials

"...Your check alerted us to several large lawsuits.... they have been subject to at least a dozen other investigations, and ours was the only one to catch these lawsuits..."
Large University Endowment Fund

"Thank you...These [WatchList] updates are the second most valuable part of the CheckFund service, after the initial investigations themselves and the dedicated team you have there at CheckFund. Much appreciated!"
Multi-Family Office
Santa Monica, CA

"We were ready to make an investment until your report showed all the reasons not to do so. Thanks. So glad we used your service. You saved us from making a costly mistake."
Fund of Funds Manager
New York, NY

"Thanks for getting all 50 requests done in less than 72 hours, great job, very comprehensive research and excellent communication. Will be glad to be a reference for you."
Capital Markets Investment Manager
Chicago, IL

Contact us to get started.

© Check Fund Manager LLC